I've got a cheap beauty trick for you that is super important. It isn't always the easiest thing, but it is always FREE!!!
What is it???.......SLEEP dun dun duuun otherwise known as BEAUTY REST!! =)
And for good reason!! Nobody looks good with dull, blood-shot eyes that are all puffy and dark underneith.
While you may never hear "hey there, bright eyes! you sure do look well rested" you sure as heck will here "daaaaang, you look really tired!!!" SO get your sleep!!
Not only will it keep you tip top in the brain dept ~ sleep is the body's natural beauty treatment! Your skin renews itself during this time, your entire body is busy at work renewing cells while your lil head rests away on your pillow!
Here are some tips for getting the best BEAUTY REST possible.....
*...avoid eating snacks right before laying down for bed. they raise blood sugar which can effect how good you sleep.
*...avoid caffiene, even an afternoon cup of coffee can effect you well into the night making it very hard to fall asleep.
*...it is a good idea to get into the habit of winding down about an hour before bed with a hot cup of un-caffeinated tea and a good book (the more boring the better hahaha seriously tho this isn't the time for an intense page turner!) the more you do this your body will start taking hot tea and reading time as a signal for sleep.
*...enjoy a hot shower or bath about an hour before laying down. the spike in body heat and then the cool down will help to make you sleepy.
*...keep your bedroom temp under 70 degrees. too hot = no sleepy sleepy
*...try to keep the same bedtime and the same nightly routine every night, its all about training the body that its time for bed!
*...sleeping in complete darkness will allow you the deepest sleep all night long. wear an eye mask if you need to.
*...turn your alarm clock away from your face if it has the bright red digital numbers or any kind of bright glow. use black electrical tape on anyother lights especially flashing lights on anyother electronic.
*...speaking of electronics...TURN THEM OFF!!! I know this is a super hard one, but one hour before bed turn off the t.v, ipod, computer, phone, ect ect ect they all stimulate the brain making it VERY hard to "turn off" the thinking going on in your head!! the bright glare of the computer screen will trick the mind into thinking it's time to be awake not it's time to go to sleep.
*...keep a notebook by your bed to write down any issues or problems that are on your mind. by putting in on paper you are saying "i'll deal with you later" knowing that you will get to them later will keep you from going over and over and over them in your mind.
hopefully these tips will have you sleeping like a baby and waking up a beautiful more refreshed version of yourself =)
much love & more to come,
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