Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hello Kitty Nail Art......Super Cute!!!

I love, love, love Hello Kitty!!! What could be more fun than Hello Kitty nails?!? NOT MUCH ha ha ha

First of all I'm gonna start off by saying that I AM NOT AN ARTIST ha ha If I can do this ~ anybody can!! Seriously =)

Stuff you'll need...
*White Nail polish
*Yellow polish paint pen
*Black polish paint pen
*Pink or Red polish paint pen
(if you don't have paint pens or can't find a certian color you can use regular polish and a small paint brush)

1st...paint your nails with the white (about 2 or 3 coats):the cheaper the polish the more coats you'll need

2nd...after white polish is dried completely you are ready to apply the noses...using your yellow polish, paint on a horizontal oval 3/4 of the way down your nails

3rd....for the eyes use your black polish and just above the nose paint on two vertical ovals

4th...for the whiskers just paint on three black stripes starting at the top of the eyes (if you get black polish on your finger just dip a q-tip into polish remover and do a lil clean up ha ha speaking from experience here!) you are ready to finish each kitty off with either a pink bow or a red bow

Remember ~ Imperfect is the new Perfect!! If any of it has small mistakes that's adds character =)

Enjoy all the complements you'll get!!!!.....LOTS

Much love & More to come,

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Home Remedy for (nasty) Stretch Marks!!

Somebody asked me today if i knew of any good remedies for stretch marks....


This one is super strange ha ha ha

Like any type of stretch mark miracle cream, it is best when used on the freshest of marks. That's not to say that it doesn't work on the oldies, IT DOES! Just the earlier you catch things ~ the better!

It works the best on smaller marks, not say the deep one's on boobies that went from a B to a DDD during pregnancy......sorry =(

What is this strangest of all strangness....???

VICKS VAPOR RUB.....yup, yup =)
ha ha ha i know right?? wierd!

So, all you gotta do is grab a dollup of the stuff and rub, rub, rub in small cirles vigorously where you have marks. Don't rub so hard you are causing yourself pain or like rubbing off skin......eeek ha ha
Do this two-three times a day for about 5-10 minutes each time.....i know, i know, but it's worth it!


After about a week and a half you will notice results =) YAY!!!
The stretch marks will be visably thinner and the skin will be smoother =)
And you will be much happier =)

****the strange part of the the whole thing is that sometimes (idk if it's the same with everyone) you hear snap, crackle, popping noises hahaha****

much love & more to come,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tu-Tu Onsie

Every little girl needs a tutu!!! (hey big girls need them too, they just might feel a lil silly wearing one! ha ha)

Here is a really, really, really simple way to make a tutu onsie!

Things you'll need...
*Onsie (size, color, style is totally up to you)
*about 15 yards of tulle (more or less depending on the size you are doing)
*enough elastic band to go around the waist
*needle & thread
1st...measure the amount of elastic you will need by simply wrapping around the waist of the onsie about 4-5 inches above the leg hole. on the piece of elastic in four places just enough to secure it to the onsie (about 1/8" section)...the front, back and both sides.
3rd...cut your tulle into strips (however long you want the skirt double that) i cut mine into 18" strips
4th...tie the tulle strips right in the middle into a double knot keeping each strip close together to avoid gaps...make sure u pull the knots secure
5th...once you have tied all of the tulle to fill the entire waist of the dress, you can bling it up a little by adding a bow
.......and in (seriously) LESS than 30 minutes......

Super easy & Super cute!!!

Much love & More to come

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tummy Toner

So it's the beginning of May ~ THAT can only mean 1 thing!!! ONE month till it's officially bikini body baring weather!!!! EEEEKKKK!!!!

That gives us all aproximately 4 weeks to tone up that tummy ~~ Awesome cuz that's aproximately how long it takes to show results with this awesome ab workout!!!

It's so awesome because it's free, you can do it anytime, and anywhere (well preferably a cushy spot)

I am NOT a sit-up kinda gal....I find that it's too much of a pain in the neck ha ha ha literally (i just can't seem to not use my neck)

This workout really puts the burn on!! Seriously after a few sets you will think twice about reaching for those greasy (but yummy) french fries, or in my case stopping at 10 m&m's instead of 10,000....(but their soooo good) =)

It works out your entire core....from below your belly button all the way up to your ribs.

I call it the Belly Bridge may be sore the next day (ha ha who am I kidding! You will be sore, but it's soooo worth it)

step 1...drop belly down on a soft rug or a yoga mat

step 2...prop up on your elbows holding them at a 90 degree angle

step 3...point your toes toward the floor and balance on them keeping your body nice and straight...ooooh my abs...pull your belly in and hold

hold for a slow count of 25 doing two - three sets taking a short rest between
work up to doing slow counts of 50 two - three sets everyday

These arn't as easy breezy as they look. It is very important to keep your body straight and your abs pulled in....don't let your tush stick up in the air or your belly sag in the middle ha ha not as effective......straight, straight, straight!

If you find you can barely make it thru your counts just chant bikini, bikini, bikini, bikini ah ha ha it has a way of pushing you to the finish!!!

Sexifying beaches everywhere =)

Much love & more to come,


Ruffles, Ruffles, Ruffles.....LOVE THEM!!!!

There's no cuter place for ruffles then on a baby girl's lil tush =)

I'm gonna show you how to make a ruffle-butt onsie. It's super fast and super easy!!! Makes an adorable, personalized and yep cheap baby shower gift!!!

Thing's you'll need....

*Onsie in whatever size, color & pattern you like(I got this "this is my little black dress" onsie at walmart for $3)
*about 2 yards of ruffle (got mine at hobby lobby $1.25)
*sewing machine or you can hand stitch

lay your onsie face down...measure and cut 1st ruffle from the top seam of the leg hole across to the other leg hole

you will want to make sure your ruffle stays in place in a nice straight line, so pin every inch or so

now sew in a straight line (back stitch at the beginning and the end) down the middle of the ruffle

continue following these same steps...measure, cut, pin & sew....three more times keeping ruffles close together to avoid gaps where too much fabric shows through.




Much love & more to come,